* Using the Constitution to Save America #9 – Send YOUR Declaration of Charges to SCOTUS Electronically – EASY!

Written By: admin - Feb• 15•23

YOU can help encourage the Supreme Court Justices to HEAR the Brunson Brothers’ case #22-380 with your name and signature.  Easy!

On Friday February 17, 2023, the nine Justices will vote behind closed doors in “Conference” which cases the Court will Hear arguments on.

Remember, February 17th Conference is only the first of five opportunities the Brunsons have to Petition for Re-Hearing of the case.  They may quickly agree.  Or, they may wait to a fifth and final appeal.

Therefore, whether the Justices decide to hear the Brunson case or not — the following “DECLARATION OF CHARGES” can be sent into the court electronically and help to encourage to Court to SUPPORT the case to have it heard, and then to vote to support it.

The following Word doc template is not the only way to do this.  You can adjust it to your liking ,remembering that it is YOUR testimony of the truth to which you are signing your name.  Make it yours!  Click here for the template….

Brunson Affidavit RED – KC


NOTE: Replace all RED text with your correct info.  Then make the Final doc be ALL BLACK text.

Then, as Deron’s instructions read:



Type in Supreme Court contact.

Click on Public Information Office.

That will take you to the; Contact Us- Public Information Office, page.

Fill out form info and cut and paste your affidavit into the box provided. 

You will get immediate online proof of receipt and later email verifying receipt.”

NOTE:  These instructions may be improved as new info becomes available.



Thanks for doing your part to use the Constitution to save the Constitution and America’s liberty it protects.








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