* Kendal Anderson: “Upon This Land: A Promised Land Forever”

Written By: admin - Jul• 25•23


[Kendal Anderson is a deep thinker.  While I may not always agree with his conclusions or theories, I am never disappointed by his research, open and honest dialogue with his reader, and clear Love of God and desire to be in good standing before Him.

Kendal and I have talked about Land and it’s importance to God many times, sharing ideas and articles, etc.  So, while “Barbie & Ken” Cromar (I and my dear wife) have been writing and speaking out on LAND PATENTS and their 180 years of UNANIMOUS Supreme Court opinions, — Kendal has apparently been on a parallel path as this first article in a new series on the scriptural importance of LAND shows.

Kendal’s writing is particularly pointed at a “Mormon” audience as the name of his blog indicates — BUT most the time his writing is enjoyable and inspiring to any God-fearing Christian.  Below, with Kendal’s permission I’ve only included highlights for you, which have no Mormon relevance per se, BUT powerfully spotlight LAND in a way that gives Godly meaning to the earth beneath our feet and our heavenly obligation to the land.  ENJOY!]




Without land, a man is nothing.

Highlight #1   –   Land is everything.  And God gave it to man for free!

Can you think of any commodity, product, good, or service that didn’t first originate with raw materials extracted from the land?

Take cars for example. Vehicles that move us across vast tracts of land at high speeds. The steel and aluminum that make up the frame and the motor are mined, as well as the copper that runs your electrical system. The rubber from the tires come from trees like the Hevea Brasiliensis that grow in the Amazon jungle. The leather on your seats come from cows who graze on ranch lands.

If your car has cloth seats they were made from wool, silk, and cotton, grown on farms or harvested from animals. The plastic that is formed into buttons, speakers, air vents, and dashboards comes from the byproducts of crude oil and natural gas extracted from the ground, the same sources that create the fuel that runs the engine. The taxi driver, uber driver, bus driver, or air port shuttle driver, would not have a job if it weren’t for the land that produced the elements to manufacture the vehicles.

And I wouldn’t be able to run my landscaping company without trucks, trailers, pipe pullers, spray machines, lawn mowers, shovels and tools… all of which come from the land.

We are totally dependent on the land for all of our needs. God has truly prepared every needful thing. He created this earth to produce an abundance for all of His children.

And He gave us the land for free.

You’ve probably figured out that this new series is about land… and I realize it may not sound as intriguing as Beasts and corrupt religious leaders. But rest assured, this rabbit hole is about as deep as it gets, and it is connected to what the UN has been doing since its inception in 1948.

But the battle over land began long before that.

There has been a deliberate, calculated, and systematic attack on land for a very long time in this country. And for good reason. And that reason is that freedom is impossible without land. The formulae is simple: take land away from the common people, and you make them slaves.


Highlight #2   –   God is compelled to destroy nations that allow Deep State EVIL government

One of the reasons that God is compelled to destroy nations is that they have to account for building up these secret combinations [Deep State] and letting them commit egregious atrocities against children.

The movie Sound of Freedom was an attempt to expose some of these atrocities. But it only implicated random pedophile perps and drug lords as being the instigators. The truth is that child traffickers comprise the highest positions in government and churches, and are strewn throughout all professions and occupations. (Sound of Freedom may have been a psyop to deflect the blame for child trafficking off of elites and onto everyday miscreants and criminals… another classic case of controlled opposition. Listen to this testimony from a trafficking survivor and her opinion of the movie.)

The articulate lawyer, the “wise” judge, the high-achieving corporate CEO, the “protecting” policeman, the smiling politician, and the hanker-chief-waving clergyman, are all potential abusers.

This is why we must expose evil at the highest levels of society. We must “waste and wear out our lives in bringing to light all the hidden works of darkness.”

If we do not repent and expose these evil organizations, we may lose our title to the promised land.


Highlight #3   –   The American people have been the victims of fraudulent land theft

And this is where the rabbit hole begins.

Almost everything you have been taught about land, real estate, deeds, titles, mortgages, negotiable instruments, debt, and money is a lie. The American people have been the victims of fraud, and have had their land stolen from them.

The truth? Those humble Gentiles paid no property tax. They held allodial title to their land, which was gifted to them by God. They didn’t pay a dime for it (except for processing fees). They understood this claim to the land through their study of the Bible.

In an 1878 Supreme Court case known as United States vs Throckmorton, a landmark ruling was made. The case involved the fraudulent acquisition of a land grant by a man named W.A. Richardson. During the 1850s, he had forged the signature of a Mexican governor and dated it back to the 1830s, before the United States had annexed the Mexican territory.

Justice Samuel Freeman Miller made a famous statement in reference to the case. He said that,

“Fraud vitiates everything.”

The word vitiate, in a legal context, means “negates, squashes, annuls, invalidates, revokes, and abrogates.”

Dear readers, you have been defrauded. Your land has been stolen from you. Your debt, the currency you use, the real estate you think you own, and the “assets” you think you have… are all an illusion.

We are all lost in vast sea of maritime law, constantly tossed by the unrelenting waves of feudalism. When we try to stand our ground, the swells move just enough so we lose our footing, the constant flux renders us helpless in our pursuit to stand upon the land.

That land was the reason the Revolutionary War was fought. Our Founder’s understood the Biblical decrees upon the land, and that a man cannot be “accountable for his own sins” unless he was made a steward over a portion of it.

In this series, we are going to get into the specifics of how land ownership was viewed by Americans in the antebellum period, the role the federal government played, what the terms sovereign and allodial mean, …


Highlight #4   –   Common Law of the Land (Constitution)  vs.  Admiralty Law of Sea (today’s corrupt courts)

The God of the land, Jesus Christ, is also the author of the law of the land. Lucifer, the true God’s adversary, is the author of administrative law, or the law of the sea. Just as there are Two Churches Only, there are also two laws only: Common Law and Maritime Admiralty Law (which I wrote about here).

Under common law the individual is sovereign. He/she is endowed with un-alienable rights from the Creator. Jefferson knew exactly what he was doing when he used the term unalienable. It simply means unencumbered, or unable to lien. A lien is defined as follows:

A claim upon a part of another’s property that arises because of an unpaid debt related to that property and that operates as an encumbrance on the property until the debt is satisfied; the right to hold another’s property as security for a debt owed.

Independence to colonial Americans meant that Parliament or the king had no right to place liens upon their private property. And what is private property? First of all, it is yourself, consisting of your body and your mind. You are the rightful owner of yourself, and what logically follows, is that you also own whatever your body mixes with the elements of the land. In other words, you own what you laboriously produce. Those goods or services are an extension of yourself, and as such are also unalienable.

And guess what? You cannot produce anything without the natural resources that exist in the land. …


Highlight #5   –   The Founder’s knew that true land ownership could ONLY be granted by the Creator Himself.

Now, let’s take this a step further… the Founder’s knew that true land ownership could not be granted to them by the king. If it was then there would be stipulations on the land, or in other words, liens. Thus, true ownership of land, just like the true source of rights, would have to be granted by the Creator Himself.

This ownership came with a title, not a deed. The two terms are complete opposites. A deed grants you nothing but the permission of another who controls what they are deeding to you. A title, on the other hand, grants you full allodial ownership, unencumbered by liens, stipulations, taxes, etc. An allodial title is a certificate of sovereign right upon a piece of land, and it makes you the king over it.

The word allodial is derived from the Latin term allodialis, meaning “held in freehold.” Black’s Law Dictionary defines it as “owing to no one, nor to any lord or superior.” Just ponder that for a moment… to us in our modern society it means no property taxes, no zoning laws, no building permits, and no federal, state, country, or city restrictions… period. No encumbrances whatsoever.

If you have to pay a bureaucracy perpetual rents on your land or ask them for permission to build a structure on it… you DO NOT own it.

We need to wake up. God granted us the land and He intends for us to use it according to His purposes… and He does not require us to ask permission from a governmental body that is perpetrating fraud on society. There is no constitutional authority for a county to exact property taxes. That is a crime of extortion on land that they do not own.



Highlight #6   –    Looking at “this land” in a whole new light

It is my prayer that we all wake up. That we look at this land in a whole new light. That we see it for what it is. That we use it for the intended purposes of its creation.

This will end part I of this series, but I haven’t even scratched the surface. In part II I’ll get into the history of American land distribution and land patents, as well as legal terms that were deliberately created to swindle us out of our land.

Stay tuned…,





[For those with more open minds willing to explore some potentially insightful, inspiring Christ-centric Mormon scriptural ideas on LAND, please consider the entire Part 1 article at:





Hey!  Did you catch that?

Kendal’s next article will, “get into the history of American land distribution and land patents”.  Land patents?

Barbie & Ken will be all over it!

In the meanwhile,

To get more information on “What You Need to Know About LAND PATENTS” by renowned Land Patent Lawyer Ron Gibson, by special agreement with him, — through a MIRACLES Shopping via Donation only here…












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* TRUTH BE TOLD: Todd Callender with Barbie & Ken – a “How to” on their LAND PATENT



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