* CommonLawPeople.com: NEW Excellent Support for Brunson Brothers’ SCOTUS battle, and ALL Elections in America!

Written By: admin - Aug• 07•23

Common Law is the Law of the Land – which is the US Constitution, and your state Constitution.  Period.

We’ve just learned about a COMMON LAW expert / educator Jarrin Jackson, that could be of great interest to the Brunson Brothers as it relates to their cases (2 SCOTUS and 1 federal US District Court in Salt Lake City) and believe his following document is valuable weapon to be added to the arsenal to RESTORING lawful elections with paper ballots and ONE day voting, with immediate and verifiable results.

NONE of this electronic voting and mass mailing of ballots out is Constitutional; as is undeniably proven in Jarrin Jackson’s 13-minute video available for FREE at:

“Training Trustees”

– Or, in other words “Training Government officials who swore an Oath to Constitution what their job is”



If you sign up — again for FREE — at Jarrin’s website CommonLawPeople.com he will email you the following document, for free, for your state.

Our beloved Cedar Hills, is in Utah County, in Utah state, hence the using our Utah example.  Please note that the three items in BLUE TEXT are respectfully added — with support explanation following, offered for your consideration by this webpage’s Editor – Ken Cromar:




Notice of Maladministration in Elections and Unconstitutional Form of Government

Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal and Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent

I, First Last, one of the People (UT Const, art 1, §2), republican in form, Sui Juris, do Notice you, First Last of Official, by Necessity, that you do provide due care:

Please take Notice that the People have, by Right, assembled to alter and reform government (UT Const, art 1, §2), to Petition those vested with power for redress of grievance (UT Const, art 1, §1).

Maxim of Law: 51o. “All political power is inherent in the people by decree of God, thus none can exist except it be derived from them.” American Maxim.

Maxim of Law: 4d. “An agent is a person authorized by another to act on his account and under his control.” Wasilowski v. Park Bridge Corp., 156 F. 2d 612, 614.

Please take Notice that John Locke wrote that government dissolves when, “the delivery also of the people into the subjection of a foreign power, either by the prince, or by the legislative, is certainly a change of the legislative, and so a dissolution of the government. For the end why people entered into society, being to be preserved one entire, free, independent society, to be governed by its own laws; this is lost, whenever they are given up into the power of another.” (Two Treatise of Government, §217, p225).

Maxim of Law: 62b. “A repugnant act cannot be brought into being, i.e., cannot be made effectual.” Plowd. 355.

Please take Notice that the People, by Right, shall have valid, secure, and free elections (UT Const, art 1, §17; UT Const, art 1, §25; UT Const, art 4, §8), that all laws must be consistent with the Constitution (UT Const, art 5, §1), and that power is only granted to Trustees after they swear an oath to the Utah Constitution (UT Const, art 4, §10).

Maxim of Law: 46c. “Where form is not observed, a nullity of the act is inferred or follows.” 12 Coke, 7.

Please take Notice that Elections belong to the People, by Right (UT Const, art 1, §25), and, in the historical usage and in strict observance to the Constitution, are single day, political events that have paper ballots with qualified electors with Duties, such as counting ballots, performed by sworn actors to the Constitution, where the results are published, and ballots are retained to support audits and verify election results.

Maxim of Law: 83g. “In cases of extreme necessity, everything is common.” Hale, P.C. 54

Please take Notice that People are denied a republican form of government when powers of the Public Trust are used, or Duties are performed, by actors or entities without swearing to the Constitution.

Please take Notice that it is maladministration, which means ‘wrong administration’, when ballots are not paper and secret, and to distribute ballots to unverified electors, and when Elections are more than one day, and when any part of the event is performed by foreign or extraordinary entities to the Constitution.

Please take Notice that it is the People’s Petition and Remonstrance that you secure the People’s Right to Elections by making Elections one day, verifying electors’ identity at polling locations on Election Day before issuing paper ballots, only issuing paper ballots to verified electors, that only agents sworn to the Constitution may count paper ballots, and no foreign or extraordinary entity is party to the official conduct of the People’s Elections.

Please take Notice that good faith consideration for absentee electors should be made for the physically handicapped and the military service-members unable to physically participate on Election Day.

Please take Notice that as per an act of Congress which certified Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, under the definition of “Misprision” it reads: “It is the duty of every good citizen, knowing of a treason or felony having been committed; to inform a magistrate. Silently to observe the commission of a felony, without using any endeavors to apprehend the offender, is a misprision.”  You are hereby noticed of the treason and/or felony of un-Constitutional electronic / non-paper / multiple days election voting & counting — and your sworn obligation to protect the Constitution from “enemies…domestic”.

Please take Notice that as per an act of Congress, Bouvier’s definition: “TREASON, crim. law. This word imports a betraying, treachery, or breach of allegiance.”  https://www.1215.org/lawnotes/bouvier/bouvier_t.htm

Please take Notice that as per an act of Congress, Bouvier’s definition: Misprision of treason, is the concealment of treason, by being merely passive; Act of Congress of April 30, 1790, 1 Story’s L. U. S. 83; 1 East, P. C. 139; for if any assistance be given, to the traitor, it makes the party a principal, as there is no accessories in treason. 

Please take Notice that this is sent to you in the love of Jesus Christ, so you that provide due care.

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Autograph                                       Date





Restoring Lawful Verifiable Elections – BECAUSE it’s the Law of the Land

The above document will be shared with the Brunson Brothers — our friends (Loy lived 7 houses away from “Barbie & Ken” in Cedar Hills — and should prove a valuable help for their 3 cases to hold 388 members of Congress including Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Mike Pense and Nancy Pelosi, AND EVERY PLACE WHERE ELECTIONS ARE HELD throughout the United States.

We can solve the 2020 election and all others IF we hold the officials to the Law of the Land as written.

Jarrin Jackson’s research and education on Common Law are laudable and incredibly generous.  So, it is with some hesitancy that I point out a recently learned personal lesson.  I too had been aware of BLACK’s Law as a great source for “commentary on the law”, however, as Jarrin himself points out, if I can’t put my finger on the Law, then he doesn’t feel like he is on target.  Case in point is that Black’s Law is NOT approved by the Constitution or by any Constitutionally authorized legislation.  Though excellent as a “commentary on the law”, it has NOT been endorsed by an Act of Congress.  HOWEVER, John Bouvier’s 1856 (predates the Civil War) has been enacted by four ACTS OF CONGRESS making them lawful definitions in line with the Constitution, as the title page reads:




by John Bouvier

Revised Sixth Edition, 1856

In other words, though helpful for background and support, BLACKS LAW (written pre-Revolutionary War) should always take a back seat to “Bouvier’s” which was written to harmonize with and support the Constitution of the United States and Constitutional laws of the several states.  Bouvier’s definition should trump any Black’s law cite every time.

For example, Bouvier’s definition of “treason” below beautifully explains the significance of that word as follows:

“TREASON, crim. law.   This word imports a betraying, treachery, or breach of allegiance.   4 Bl. Com. 75.”


Select the first letter of the word you want to look up and replace the “t” in the end of the URL above.

So, in other words, if anyone who has sworn an oath to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against enemies foriegn and domestic” and then takes multi-million dollar bribes as alledged of Joe & Hunter Biden, or allowed enemies “foriegn” as in Chinese “corporations” to not only do business in US but also buy land, THAT seems to demonstrate an allegience to money, corporate profits and business ABOVE the Oath of Office to allegience to the Constitution.  In other words, even if none of your Corporate City of Cedar Hills checks ever cleared the bank, YOUR allegience to the Constitution can NEVER change.  There is NO exit clause on the Oath of Office.  There’s also no guarantee of pay.

That’s puts a whole new light on the allegations against Joe Biden whose allegiance seems to be to MONEY above his allegiance to protecting the Constitution from domestic enemies — in contradiction to his sworn oath allegiance!

Bouvier’s Brilliant definition / Explanation of “Misprision”

MISPRISION, crim. law. 1. In its larger sense, this word is used to signify every considerable misdemeanor, which has not a certain name given to it in the law; and it is said that a misprision is contained in every treason or felony whatever. 2. In its narrower sense it is the concealment of a crime.

2. Misprision of treason, is the concealment of treason, by being merely passive; Act of Congress of April 30, 1790, 1 Story’s L. U. S. 83; 1 East, P. C. 139; for if any assistance be given, to the traitor, it makes the party a principal, as there is no accessories in treason.  [Which apparently means that you cannot “aid or abet” or be an accessory to the crime of treason.  Onec you’ve been informed of Treason – you must resolve the Treason you’ve been allerted to -OR-  having been alerted to the Treason and having not solved ARE NOT A PART OF THAT TREASON!!]

3. Misprison of felony, is the like concealment of felony, without giving any degree of maintenance to the felon; Act of Congress of April 30, 1790, s. 6, 1 Story’s L. U. S. 84; for if any aid be given him, the party becomes an accessory after the fact.

4. It is the duty of every good citizen, knowing of a treason or felony having been committed; to inform a magistrate. Silently to observe the commission of a felony, without using any endeavors to apprehend the offender, is a misprision. 1 Russ. on Cr. 43; Hawk. P. C. c. 59, s. 6; Id. Book 1, c. s. 1; 4 Bl. Com. 119.

5. Misprisions which are merely positive, are denominated contempts or high misdemeanors; as, for example, dissuading a witness from giving evidence. 4 Bl. Com. 126.

Bouvier 1870 – Misprision of Treason – https://www.1215.org/lawnotes/bouvier/bouvier_m.htm


Please consider sending this to YOUR elected officials at every level — but especially at the City and County level through which your elections are likely run.  It’s simple.  It’s easy.  It’s dead-center Constitutional.


Want to help save elections in your county?

Ready?   Print.  Sign.  Mail!





Additional Research:

First learned about Jarrin Jackson via BardsFM / Scott Kesterson’s high recommendation via this show…









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