Bench Warrants Issued For Barbie & Ken Cromar? – Retaliation by Judge Johnson on being named Defendant twice?!

Written By: admin - Jul• 24•22

News Release – 7/23/2022

Breaking News: Bench Warrant Issued For Barbie & Ken Cromar Hours After Court Receives Their Copies of Response and Amendments Directed to Chief Judge Matthew B. Durant of the Utah State Supreme Court in Behalf of Barbie & Ken Cromar  vs Goliath IRS
Community Support Foundation
PO Box 139
Logan, Utah 84323


Barbie & Ken Cromar vs Goliath IRS, et al

Hours after Judge Christine Johnson received her copies of the filing in the Utah Court of Appeals, for the Response and Amendments to Barbie & Ken’s cases in the Appellate Court, with specific direction for sending the documents to Chief Judge Matthew B. Durant of the Utah State Supreme Court; Judge Johnson issued “Bench Warrants” for Barbie & Ken Cromar.

WHY the harassment?  “Barbie & Ken” are working with the officials as required.  Retaliation for being named a Defendant by the Cromars in APPEAL to the Utah Supreme Court’s Chief Judge Matthew B. Durrant?

“Barbie & Ken’s” REPLY to RESPONSE at Utah Court of Appeals – NOW with 23 Defendants before Utah State SUPREME Court Chief Justice Durrant



The Bench Warrants state, “Based on the No-Show Memo received by the court regarding the defendant not appearing at the office of Adult Probation and Parole, the court orders a nonbailable bench warrant to issue.” and “Based on the defendant’s failure to appear at Adult Probation and Parole, the court orders a non-bailable bench warrant.”

Copies of the Bench Warrant were emailed to DEFENDER PUBLIC, DAVID LEAVITT DCOURT@UTAHCOUNTY.GOV and the Defendants Barbie & Ken.

In an email sent to two of Judge Christine Johnson’s officers of the court from the Fourth District Court, in Provo Utah, Friday afternoon of July 22, 2022, Barbie and Ken provided the following response:

Nancy & Amber,

We’ve received two email notices of Bench Warrants for our arrest. There appears to have been a serious and dangerous error made here.

We do not understand why this has been done in that we’ve had contact with Cheyenne and Heather Henrie at AP&P and have communicated with three times and we have an understanding regarding the matter from many days ago.  Did anyone there talk with Heather prior to making those orders? As you know, we are working on an “Extraordinary Writ” through the Utah Court of Appeals and are working through a lawful and honorable process.

This morning we also updated Mark Colby, who promised to send paperwork so we could work on the those details with our Counsel, in anticipation of the report that they say they must provide Madam Johnson by August 14, 5 days before “sentencing”.  Do you have a copy of the pre-sentencing evaluation report or other items you would like to send us to help expedite the matter? If so please send to the following email addresses:

We are working within process and time frames.   Therefore, in the meanwhile, we think it appropriate to respectfully require of this court the immediate removal of the Bench Warrants, so that we are NOT inappropriately arrested yet again.

Nancy, on a separate matter, I’ve been waiting for you to also provide the list of Webex viewers from the five trial days as we discussed.  If you have sent it, I have not seen it, and am still anticipating that information a.s.a.p. please.

Lastly, we’ve been attempting to get transcripts from the trial and have been greatly delayed in the process reportedly because of the wait for “minutes”, which they now have, but have found that getting a transcript is incredibly expensive and prohibitive for our family’s resources.  We are financially challenged to say the least.  Are there alternatives?  Can the court request a transcript itself and put it on the docket record please?  Any other recommendations please?

Look forward to your professional help in resolving these issues ASAP.


Ken & Barbara Cromar



Barbie and Ken are desperately working on an Emergency Appeal to the Court of Appeals directed to Chief Justice Matthew B. Durrant seeking protection from Judge Christine Johnson and her continued Abuse of Process and Wrongful Use of Judicial Authority or Failure to Comply With Duty.

We the People and filers of the Friend of the Court Brief, AGAIN, in defense of the Cromars demand, IT’S TIME TO END THE MADNESS! and recognize that kangaroo court actions have made VOID all of the claims against Barbie & Ken (a living and breathing man and woman who stand only under God and the Supreme Law of the Land) and that this for-profit CORP court (EIN #87-6000545 & DUNS #009094301) has no lawful jurisdiction over them as non-corporations – a living man and woman with God-given, Constitutionally guaranteed un-a-lien-able rights.

The Community Support Foundation continues to publicly acknowledges the TRAVESTY OF INJUSTICE, so grossly displayed in the case against Barbie & Ken Cromar and reminds everyone that:

Together, we stand to urge the Court to rule in favor of the Defendants, by moving to satisfy any claims, dismiss this case with prejudice, and facilitate a process that will restore them back to their home immediately, and reconfirm the belief that communities are bound together by a common unity in principles, such as the “Principles of Good Business©,” and that “good conduct” is a mandatory requirement by the courts and community at large.” – Where there is smoke, there is fire!

PLEASE GOD help Barbie & Ken in their cause of Liberty and Justice for All.

Follow the Cromars’ progress here:

and more detailed stories at


Tom Fairbanks
Community Health Advocate
Community Support Foundation
(435) 512-1053


See also….

KSL – State pushes back on Utah bail reform lawsuit – Judge Christine Johnson named a Defendant

“Barbie & Ken” – Offer $12 Million REWARD* at National Press Club still stands

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