News Release: Federal Judge’s Declaration of War tied to Child Sacrifice Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)

Written By: admin - Jun• 04•23

Community Support Foundation
Logan, Utah
June 3, 2023


On Friday May 19, 2023 a surprise Motion for An Application for Pretrial Habeas Corpus and Mistrial in the Salt Lake City Federal Court halted a sentencing hearing scheduled for Wednesday May 24, 2023.

After the Federal Court Judge ignored the court filing, the Judge continued forward with the Sentencing Hearing at which the Defendant did NOT appear. In retaliation, the Defendant was threatened with a Warrant for his Arrest.

The Surprise Filing, which SUSPENDED the Sentencing Hearing, informed the Court that the Defendant was filing an Emergency Application for Pretrial Habeas Corpus with the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS).

The Surprise Filing also informed the court of a meeting with the Defendant, the Defendant’s Public Defender and a member of the military, in which the Public Defender was told that the case against the Defendant needed to be dismissed as a Matter of National Security.

There is no evidence to show that the Public Defender ever informed the Court, or the Prosecution, of the meeting and the demand that the case against the Defendant be dismissed as a matter of National Security.

However, the Surprise Filing revealed to the Court that the Defendant was, in fact, Actively Participating with the Intelligence Support Activity (ISA) and that the Defendant was actually Operating Undercover Exposing Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and Documenting the Crimes Against Humanity in the Criminal Case brought against the Defendant.

The Federal Judge’s intentional ignoring of the Defendant’s Court Filing and the threat of the Warrant for the Arrest of the Defendant amounts to a Declaration of War against the Defendant and the stated intent to Manslave (Traffick) the Defendant. Attempts to verify the filing of a Warrant for the Arrest of the Defendant have been fruitless.

Meanwhile, on the night of Memorial Day May 30, 2023, (A Satanic Holiday) 22 Delta Force Operatives interrupted an Attempted Blood Sacrifice of a Child in one of the Canyons in Cache Valley Utah. 48 perpetrators were detained, sent to Hill Field Air Force Base and the relocated to unknown locations. Among the Detainees was a local District Court Judge and the Cache County Sheriff.  Although the County Sheriff was released without explanation.

Both the Judge and the Sheriff’s Department are prominently documented in the Defendant’s Documentation of Crimes Against Humanity. The Defendant has been kept aware of the Military Operations as the Defendant has been under Military Protection.

Multiple visits to the Defendant’s home and office by County Deputy Sheriffs resulted in multiple attempts to coerce the Defendant’s wife along with threats of her arrest for harboring “a fugitive.” In several calls to the Defendant, from his wife on speaker phone, the Defendant repeatedly answered his wife’s threatened pleas, from the Deputy Sheriffs, as to the Defendant’s whereabout with “I am with the Military!”

These attempts, by the County Sheriff’s Department, is yet Another Declaration of War against the Defendant by the man who was found and detained at an Attempted Satanic Ritual Sacrifice. While some might suggest the Sheriff may have been an informant, as an explanation of his release. His involvement in the Declaration of War against the Defendant negates any such theory because the Sheriff is actively working against the Defendant and the Military.Where there is smoke, there is fire!

As a result of these threats against the Defendant and his wife, on Thursday June 1, 2023 an Appeal to JAG (Judge Advocate General – the Military) seeking redress was hand carried on behalf of the Defendant. The Appeal, under Proclamation 104 – Suspension of Habeas Corpus throughout the United States. We Are At War! The appeal seeks to have this matter discharged in accordance with “an act relating to Habeas Corpus, and relating Judicial Proceedings in Certain Cases.”

Because of the Declaration of War against the Defendant, this appeal now comes before JAG since the military remains the only lawful legal authority in a time of War. This is why it has been stated so many times, “Military is the Only way!

This story is known as, Cache Collision© which is a story of corruption and collusion and the lengths people will go to hide their crimes against humanity. Based in Cache County Utah, this real-life experience begins with the revealing of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and the enormous efforts to cover up their evil deeds, while enslaving the masses to a corrupt system of leadership.

It is a story that follows one man’s journey of exposure and the retaliation he experiences in the criminal justice system, where the courts manufacture a crime, deceptively orchestrate an indictment, and then deny him his constitutional rights and even prevent him from presenting a defense or having witnesses on the stand at his trial (A Kangaroo Court). All in the name of “injustice,” however, not everything is as it appears and as every good “whodunnit” provides, there is a climactic and poetic ending to this “need to be understood story.”

Please, please, make this story go viral – Our National Survival Depends On It!

Cache CA$H County, Utah Corruption – Satanic Ritual Abuse & Human Trafficking
Deep State Deceit cancer has reached into every county in every state of the Union…
Attacking the Whistleblowers who expose them is their Hobby


Tom Fairbanks
Community Health Advocate
Community Support Foundation
(385) 467-3315


Support docs….

Appeal to JAG – Notice

Appeal to JAG – 06012023



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