GRAMA Request file on Free Golf here…

Written By: admin - Nov• 02•17


The City has finally provided the GRAMA request for the past three years of free golf in Cedar Hills — sort of. 

Here it is.  Please download and take a look …

Tee Time Details Report – October 01, 2014 to October 26, 2017 (GRAMA Request)


As documented in the October 25th posting, CH City's former mayor Brad Sears has reportedly golfed for over 10 years for FREE, along with many friends.  Mr. Sears has been asked numerous times by former Councilman Rob Crawley (2015 Golf Finance Committee member) and CHCRG, to provide a list of those who he brought to play for free, which may include buisness associates, political officials, other golf course operators, relatives, etc.  He refuses to provide any details — and instead throws personal insults at those asking for information on his free golf.  David Bunker CM

It was recently disclosed by former City Manager David Bunker (American Fork's newest City Manager – enticed away from CH) that when Brad Sears' 10+ years of FREE golf via Lone Peaks Links' "30 free games per week for 50 years" — which Sears "negotiated" into the sales contract when the City bought the golf course from it's owner / developer — and then has used for himself and his friends — came to his attention, he put a stop to it.

THANK YOU Mr. Bunker!

So, the three years worth of golf records were GRAMA requested should have included documentation of Brad Sears and/or Lone Peaks Links free golf use.  But there is no evidence included of that in the golf reservations public record.  Why?  Is this actually a COMPLETE GRAMA request response?  Or, is the city hiding that use by not keeping track of it?  If not, how could they know if 30 free golf rounds were played in any week?  How could they know if 75 rounds or more had been played in any week or not — if there is no accounting of it?  Is our taxpayer subsidized golf course — which loses $581,000 average every year & has never made one dollar in profit in any year — being used as a personal private golf course by the City Council, Mayor, staff and their friends — including the Mayor that led CH voter into the Bond based on false promises?  vote

This should matter to EVERY resident .  Or, at least every resident should respect that fact that many other families feel they have been lied to, cheated, and manipulated by the city with years of "fake news" — and who wish they could have their $2000+ back for theirs and their neighbors families.  And, that "yearly Bond theft" will continue for at least 15 more years, unless voters seek to include other voices and thinking to resolve the on-going "bank robbery in progress".  Please VOTE wisely!

Therefore the following questions were included to the City Manager (see previous post for complete list) who promised to reply in writing:

"4.  Is this GRAMA response a COMPLETE record of ALL FREE GOLF played in Cedar Hills?  

5.   Is there ANY Free golf that was NOT recorded?  

For example, as you know former Mayor Brad Sears and his friends, may have been golfing under Lone Peak Links passes or certificates for many years — possibly since the opening of the golf course, right?  But, no where is there a record listing "Brad Sears" or "Lone Peak Links”, or variations, etc., included that I can see.  Why is it not included? "

Brad Sears




  BRAD SEARS – Former Mayor (1998 – 2000) – Successfully promoted original Bond to CH voters based on false promises of $400,000 / year profits



Who is minding the store?

Why does this matter?  Especially before an election?

It's NOT their golf course! It's ours!  Unfortunately, it is owned by CH residents — and should be treated as the multi-million dollar asset it is.  It should NOT be treated as their own private golf club for them and their friends.

If candidates asking for your vote have been involved with, promoted or supported any FREE golf on the backs of Cedar Hills taxpayers (the incumbents) — it's valuable to understand how deep that abuse is going (haven't found the bottom yet!), and understand the deep conflicts of interest against the better interests of CH residents — when these facts are known:

1.  Fact:  CH Council voted themselves and the unlimited FREE golf for themselves and the Mayor (only Councilman "wikiLeaks styled whistle blower" Rob Crawley voted against it)  See May 2, 2017 City Council Meeting Agenda Item #16 at

2.  Fact:  All CH City Staff is allowed unlimited FREE golf.

3.  Fact:  Former Mayor Brad Sears has golfed for FREE in an unknown, apparently incompletely documented number of rounds of golf for over 10 years.

(The city refuses to state definitively if the years of golf reservations records have been "destroyed" or not — while refusing to provide various GRAMA requests for info because it is "irretrievable".)

4.  Fact:  Former Mayor Brad Sears has brought unknown "FRIENDS" to golf FREE in an unknown number of people or their names — in an undocumented number of rounds of golf for over 10 years. 


The question begs to be asked: 

How much in personal buisness profits, power, influence, control of government been secured by the often secret, pro-golf special interest individuals — on the backs of CH families / taxpayers?

If voters think this is OK, then they can keep voting in the same pro-golf special interest group supporters that are currently in office.  

Voters are encouraged to consider adding alternative, principled Councilmen like Rob Crawley who put facts and truth in behalf of ALL residents, above friends, politics, secrecy, money and power.




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